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Dental and Braces

Misaligned teeth can create a speech impediment like a lisp. Braces realign the teeth to help you pronounce words.

Crooked teeth are harder to brush, leading to plaque buildup and tooth decay. They also put extra pressure on the jaw joints and surrounding points, causing discomfort and pain. Straight teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of gum disease, cavities, and other oral health issues. Contact Boca Dental and Braces now!

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Braces are one of the most common treatments to straighten teeth and correct the bite. People of all ages use them and can effectively treat various problems, including crooked teeth, overlapping, and gaps. They work by applying gentle pressure to the teeth over time and helping them to move into their proper positions. They also help to correct an abnormal bite, which can cause some issues, including chewing and digestive problems, tooth decay, and gum disease.

Dental braces are a series of metal bands, wires, or elastics fitted on the front of your teeth to guide them into the correct position. The main components of dental braces are the brackets, bonded to each tooth’s surface, and the archwire, which connects them. The wire is bent to reflect the patient’s desired bite, and the tension created by the archwire causes the teeth to slowly move toward their new positions.

Several types of braces are available for adults, including ceramic and clear ones that can be less noticeable than traditional metal braces. In addition, lingual braces are placed on the backside of the teeth so they are out of view. These are typically more comfortable than regular braces, but they require more attention to cleaning because they can be prone to staining.

Another benefit of dental braces is that they can correct a bad bite called malocclusion. Malocclusion can lead to problems such as crowded teeth, overbite, underbite, crossbite, or open bite. The most common reason for malocclusion is that the upper teeth do not overlap with the lower teeth enough. It is important to correct malocclusion as early as possible because it can lead to a host of problems, such as bone loss, poor nutrition, speech difficulties, and even headaches.

While most people think braces are a treatment for crooked teeth, they can also be very helpful in fixing many other oral health issues. In addition to lowering the risk of gum disease, they can also improve digestion and reduce ear infections. They can also make brushing and flossing your teeth easier, which helps prevent cavities.

If you have crooked teeth, an overbite or underbite, or have other dental problems, braces can help. They can also correct an improper bite, which can cause headaches, jaw stress, jaw pain, and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). The good news is that braces can be both cosmetic and structural.

In addition to straightening your teeth, braces can help lower your gum disease risk. Gum disease is a serious problem that can lead to tooth loss and other health problems. It is caused by bacterial plaque that builds up on your teeth and causes inflammation of the gums. Gum disease can also cause damage to the bone that supports your teeth.

One of the main causes of gum disease is poor oral hygiene. People who don’t brush their teeth or floss regularly are more likely to have a buildup of plaque, which can lead to gingivitis. Gingivitis is a mild gum disease that can cause red and swollen gums and bleeding when left untreated. It can also lead to periodontitis, a more severe form of gum disease that can cause tooth loss and other health problems.

Brushing your teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride-enriched toothpaste is important. You should also floss at least once daily with a floss threader and use an antibacterial mouthwash. Drinking water after every meal is also a good idea, as this will wash away the bacteria and food particles that can cling to your teeth and cause infection.

If you have braces, it is important to avoid sticky or hard foods, as these can get stuck in the brackets and irritate your gums. Also, trying to eat only soft fruits and vegetables would be best. You should also avoid foods high in sugar, which can lead to tooth decay. It is a good idea to use an orthodontic mouthwash with antibacterial properties.

If you have questions about gum disease or would like to schedule an appointment with a dentist

Dental braces are not just for improving your appearance; they can also improve your health. They correct crooked teeth that can cause gum disease and make it difficult to chew food properly. This can lead to poor digestion and nutrient absorption. Dental braces can also reduce or eliminate jaw pain and headaches caused by improper chewing.

Traditional braces consist of metal brackets affixed to the front of each tooth, with wires running through them. These are tightened to place different amounts of pressure on the teeth, causing them to move gradually. They also include orthodontic bands that are stainless steel, clear or tooth-colored, and cemented around the back teeth, and spacers that fit between the teeth.

Sticky foods like caramel and taffy can adhere to the wires or brackets and be difficult to remove, leading to damage or discomfort. Gum and gummy candies can also get stuck in the teeth or wires, causing pain and making cleaning more difficult.

When you have braces, eating a balanced diet that includes protein, fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, and low-fat dairy is important. Lean proteins are a good energy source and help the body build and repair tissue. Protein-rich foods include poultry, fish, tofu, eggs, and legumes. Fruits and vegetables provide a range of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C and vitamin A, which are necessary for healthy teeth. Complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains and starchy vegetables, provide fiber and help digestion.

Low-fat dairy is a rich source of calcium, which helps keep the bones and teeth strong. Dairy also provides phosphorus, which supports bone and teeth growth. Drinking skim milk with braces is best, as full-fat dairy can irritate the soft palate.

If you have difficulty chewing due to the stiffness of your teeth or the presence of braces, it is a good idea to cut hard-to-chew foods into smaller pieces or to choose softer foods such as mashed potatoes and soups. You can also use a water flosser to remove food particles from the crevices of your teeth.

While many people associate braces with straightening crooked teeth, they can also improve a person’s overall appearance. This is because the alignment of the teeth and jaws directly impacts facial features. Braces can correct various problems, including an overbite and underbite. This can help a patient look more youthful by improving the shape of their jawline and cheekbones.

Unlike traditional metal braces, today’s braces are much more subtle and comfortable. They consist of small brackets made from ceramic or plastic held together by a thin archwire. Tiny elastic bands, called ligatures, keep the wire in place. The orthodontist will use these ligatures to make minor adjustments throughout treatment. These adjustments are usually painless, but some patients may experience discomfort for a few days after tightening their braces. In these cases, over-the-counter ibuprofen can be taken to relieve the pain.

The most common type of orthodontic treatment is to use dental braces. They can be used to correct an overbite, underbite, crossbite, or open bite. They are most commonly used on children and teenagers, but adults can also get them if they have healthy teeth and gums. Braces can improve a person’s self-esteem and can boost their confidence by creating a more attractive smile.

Moreover, they can also improve the symmetry of the face. This is possible in growing children if the orthodontist performs interceptive orthodontic treatment, which aims to correct the discrepancy between the growth rate of the upper and lower jaws. This can help a child achieve the face shape they desire and lead to better facial balance and harmony.

Adults can also get braces, but it is more difficult because the gums and bones become harder and less malleable with age. If they have gum disease, it can impede the body’s ability to produce the bone-growing cells needed for shifting teeth and aligning the jaw. Therefore, it is best to visit an orthodontist before the condition worsens. Nonetheless, it is possible to obtain a beautiful and healthy smile at any age with the help of orthodontic treatment.